• Theses, interactive media and game studies, spring 2015

    Theses, interactive media and game studies, spring 2015

    Congratulations to all those who have/are about to conclude their master’s degree studies and have got their master’s thesis approved this Spring – this year we have a really interesting, wide ranging selection of different learning processes and research work: Riikka Järvinen, “Täähän avaa koko mailman” – kokemuksia mobiiliteknologian käytöstä yläkoulussa (Experiences from the use of mobile technology…

  • LUDIC project has a website

    The four-year research project titled Ludification and Emergence of Playful Culture has now (finally!) opened its website. You can find description of the project objectives and research team from the site, and future research and publication news will be featured there, too. The site is at: http://ludificology.wordpress.com/. The project is collaboration between games, play and digital culture research teams…

  • Application period open: Master’s Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies

    The application period for Master’s Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies is open until 30 January 2015. Master’s Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies aims to provide an in-depth view to the fundamental character and development of games and Internet. Games have grown into an important form of culture and human interaction, expanding…

  • Quantum Game Jam

    The UTA Gamelab researchers are collaborating in organising game jam focused on the complex, fascinating phenomena of quantum physics. The jam will take place in Tuorla Observatory of the University of Turku 12-14 December 2014, and can read more from these pages: https://www.facebook.com/events/308819815991849/?ref=22 http://www.utu.fi/en/news/news/Pages/Games-to-Solve-Scientific-Problems-at-Game-Jam.aspx

  • CFP: Adult Play

    Call for Papers: Adult Play Game Studies Spring Seminar 11-12 May, 2015, University of Tampere, FINLAND People of all ages engage in play activities, yet play is still easily associated with children. The rhetorics of play are often tied to ideas of progression; play prepares and teaches children and playing is beneficial for adolescents. Adults,…

  • New masters theses

    The Gamelab theses page now lists three new Master’s Theses from 2014: Esko Vankka, Free-to-Play Games: Professionals’ Perceptions (2014) Mika Uusi-Kilponen, Viestinsidos: tutkimus 18–40-vuotiaiden suomalaisten internetin käyttötarkoituksista ja käyttötavoista (2014) Juha-Matti Pulkkinen, Design values of digital role-playing games (2014) Congratulations to the graduates! More in: http://gameresearchlab.tuni.fi/theses/

  • New research into ludification & gamification

    [Game Research Lab has started four new research projects that deal with ludification and gamification – of at the contexts of culture, society and in industry; below more in Finnish] Pelillisyys uudistaa kulttuuria, yhteiskuntaa ja liiketoimintaa – laaja tutkimus alkaa ”Kaikkialle levittäytyvä pelillisyys, interaktiiviset mediamuodot ja verkkopalvelut muuttavat parhaillaan sosiaalisen kanssakäymisen, työelämän, oppimisen ja vapaa-ajan…