• Filosofisen pelitutkimuksen dosentuuri Tampereen yliopistoon

    Filosofisen pelitutkimuksen dosentuuri Tampereen yliopistoon

    Tampereen yliopiston rehtori on myöntänyt FT Jonne Arjorannalle filosofisen pelitutkimuksen dosentin arvon. Kyseessä on ensimmäinen tämän aihepiirin dosentuuri Suomessa. Arjoranta luonnehtii tutkimusalaansa painottamalla, että filosofinen pelitutkimus pyrkii ratkaisemaan pelien esiin nostamia filosofisia ongelmia ja kysymyksiä. Mikä yhdistää erilaisia pelejä jalkapallosta Pac-Maniin? Ovatko väkivallanteot peleissä moraalisesti väärin? Miten peleillä voi ottaa kantaa ihmisyyttä koskeviin perustavanlaatuisiin kysymyksiin,…

  • Spring Seminar 2021: Monstrosity

    Spring Seminar 2021: Monstrosity

    The submission deadline for Spring Seminar 2021 – Monstrosity  – was on January 15, and we received 60 extended abstracts – an unprecedented amount in the history of the seminar. The seminar dates are April 20-22, 2021. You can find more information about this, as well as other Gamelab Spring Seminars from the website: https://springseminar.org/.

  • Game Project 2020 games are now available

    Game Project 2020 games are now available

    This year’s Game Project course (MTAA05a) has ended with 18 new games. The students of the course have been working hard and creating games for the whole Spring term. All of the games are now available for anyone to play. During the course, the students familiarized themselves with game creation processes through lectures, workshops, game…

  • CFP: Immersive Experiences

    CFP: Immersive Experiences

    The title of 16th Gamelab Spring Seminar was “Immersive Experiences” and it was planned to take place 30-31 March, 2020. Due to the global Coronavirus epidemic, the seminar was CANCELLED. For more, see the new website, at: https://springseminar.org/.

  • DiGRA 2020

    DiGRA 2020

    The DiGRA 2020 conference was announced in Kyoto, and this Digital Games Research Association’s world conference was planned to take place in Tampere, co-organised by Gamelab and the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies. The conference was unfortunately CANCELLED, due to the global Coronavirus epidemic. For more information, see the conference website: www.digra2020.org.

  • Game education/1st Period 2019-2020

    Game education/1st Period 2019-2020

    Note that there are again several game studies courses available, this Fall Term in our new VIMO/Media Studies bachelor’s degree program, and in the Game Studies master’s degree program in Tampere University – here are some direct info links: First Period, 2019-2020: VIMO (Viestinnän monitieteinen kandidaattiohjelma): VIMP01 Media, arki ja yhteiskunta, 5 op https://www.tuni.fi/opiskelijanopas/opintotiedot/opintojaksot/otm-9957c943-8a78-4ce5-ba3f-15878c9698d7?year=2019 MTAA05c…

  • Call for Papers: Urban Play

    Call for Papers: Urban Play

    The 15th annual Game Research Lab Spring Seminar focuses on Urban Play. Call for Papers Urban spaces offer a rich environment for a diversity of play practices, from location-based games to parkour and from hopscotch to chess in parks. Historically, cities have offered rich affordances for games and play, but in recent years the spread…

  • Pelaajabarometri 2018

    Pelaajabarometri 2018

    Pelaajabarometri 2018: Monimuotoistuva mobiilipelaaminen Uutta tietoa pelaamisesta, eSports-harrastuksesta ja suomalaisten asenteista pelaamista kohtaan. Pelaajabarometrin tutkimusraportti on kokonaisuudessaan ladattavissa verkosta: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-03-0870-4 Syyskuussa 2018 valmistunut uusi Pelaajabarometri-tutkimus vahvistaa kuvaa Suomesta aktiivisten pelaajien maana. Samalla uudessa tutkimuksessa nousee esiin pelaamisen sisältöjen ja muotojen monipuolisuus sekä pelikulttuurin jatkuva muutos. Uuden tutkimuksen mukaan 97,8 % suomalaisista pelaa ainakin jotakin, kun…

  • Game Project 2018 games available

    Game Project 2018 games available

    The students of ITIA9 Game Project course have been creating games for the whole Spring term. All of the games are now also available for anyone to download and play. During the course, the students familiarized themselves with game creation processes through lectures, workshops, game company visits, and, most importantly, creating games themselves. Each of the…

  • Making Games seminar CFP deadline approaching

    Making Games seminar CFP deadline approaching

    The 14th Game Research Lab Spring Seminar, “Making Games” will take place in 24-25 April 2018 in Tampere. The deadline for abstract submissions is 26 January. The full call for papers is at the seminar website at: https://makinggamesseminar.wordpress.com.