Hybridex research report available online!
Hybridex research report “Hybrid Playful Experiences : Playing between Material and Digital” is now available online at Tampub. The report presents the results of a two-year research project set to map the value of hybrid experience between digital and physical.
Seminar on Hybrid Play
Game Research Lab is organizing a joint morning seminar of two research projects: Hybrid Play Seminar. The Hybrid Play Seminar presents recent results and current work on the topic of hybrid play. The event starts with a presentation on the final results of the Hybridex project conducted by the University of Tampere Game Research Lab.…
Lahjoitus Tampereen yliopistolle pelitutkimukseen
Colossal Order on tehnyt Tampereen yliopistolle 15 000 euron lahjoituksen, jota ollaan suuntaamassa perusteilla olevan Pelitutkimuksen keskuksen toimintaan ja kehittämiseen: https://www.tieteenraivaajat.fi/colossal-order-lahjoittaa-tampereen-yliopistolle/
Money and Games seminar program and registration
We have now published the program and opened the non-speaker registration for the Money and Games seminar. The seminar takes place on April 18-19 at the University of Tampere. Participation is free of charge, but as attendee count is limited, registration is required. See more information and the registration instructions on the seminar web page:…
Free2Play Research Project Final Report
We are pleased to publish the final report from the research project Free2Play. The report contains both published and unpublished research focusing on free-to-play and online social gambling. Featuring both qualitative and quantitative studies, Free2Play offers wide spectrum of interesting information on developer and player attitudes, consumer behavior, player experiences, playability, ethics, service design etc.…
Hakuaika internet- ja pelitutkimuksen maisteriopintoihin, dl. 27.1.
Vielä suomenkielinen muistutus tästä internet- ja pelitutkimuksen maisteriopintomahdollisuudesta – ohjelmaan ovat siis tervetulleita hakemaan myös suomalaiset opiskelijat (opintosuorituksia voi tehdä myös suomeksi, vaikka opintokieli onkin kursseilla yleensä englanti). Kotimaisessa maisteriopintojen erillishaussa tälle IGS-linjalle ei voi enää muuten hakea, deadline on tosiaan nyt 27.1. Kiitos jos levitätte tietoa eteenpäin mahdollisesti kiinnostuneille tahoille. Perustiedot englanniksi: The application…
Happy New Year 2016!
Happy New Year 2016, may it be a great year for game research around the globe! Here is a short reflection of the year 2015 by professor Frans Mäyrä: http://fransmayra.fi/2016/01/02/year-in-review-my-2015-in-game-studies/ Enjoy!
Hybrid Social Play: Solutions for Future Social Games and Media
Announcing new research project, carried out jointly by the game research teams of University of Tampere, Jyväskylä and Turku, starting 1 January, 2016: “Hybrid Social Play: Solutions for Future Social Games and Media (HYBRIDPLAY)”. Funded by Tekes and a consortium of collaborating companies, the Hybrid Social Play project aims to identify best practices and principles…
Applications open: Masters’ Degree in Internet and Game Studies (IGS)
The application period is now open (until 27 January) for doing the Master’s Degree in Internet and Game Studies in the University of Tampere – if you want to work in your studies with the team of researchers and teachers at UTAgamelab, check out the information below: Master’s Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies…
CFP: Money and Games seminar
The call for papers is now published, inviting abstract submissions for the Money and Games seminar, taking place 18-19 April 2016 in the University of Tampere. Please find more at: https://gamemoneyseminar.wordpress.com/.