Tag: game cultures
LUDIC project has a website
The four-year research project titled Ludification and Emergence of Playful Culture has now (finally!) opened its website. You can find description of the project objectives and research team from the site, and future research and publication news will be featured there, too. The site is at: http://ludificology.wordpress.com/. The project is collaboration between games, play and digital culture research teams…
New research into ludification & gamification
[Game Research Lab has started four new research projects that deal with ludification and gamification – of at the contexts of culture, society and in industry; below more in Finnish] Pelillisyys uudistaa kulttuuria, yhteiskuntaa ja liiketoimintaa – laaja tutkimus alkaa ”Kaikkialle levittäytyvä pelillisyys, interaktiiviset mediamuodot ja verkkopalvelut muuttavat parhaillaan sosiaalisen kanssakäymisen, työelämän, oppimisen ja vapaa-ajan…