Category: degree program

  • Game education/1st Period 2019-2020

    Game education/1st Period 2019-2020

    Note that there are again several game studies courses available, this Fall Term in our new VIMO/Media Studies bachelor’s degree program, and in the Game Studies master’s degree program in Tampere University – here are some direct info links: First Period, 2019-2020: VIMO (Viestinnän monitieteinen kandidaattiohjelma): VIMP01 Media, arki ja yhteiskunta, 5 op MTAA05c…

  • Minun pelihistoriani (My Game History) exhibition 1.10.-2.10.2017

    Minun pelihistoriani (My Game History) exhibition 1.10.-2.10.2017

    Our students will be the main stars of the first changing exhibition of the newly opened Finnish Museum of Games. In this exhibition titled “Minun pelihistoriani” (My Game History) the students open up their personal paths with games, play and toys from childhood to current day. They also feature the exhibition as living players available…

  • Hakuaika internet- ja pelitutkimuksen maisteriopintoihin, dl. 27.1.

    Hakuaika internet- ja pelitutkimuksen maisteriopintoihin, dl. 27.1.

    Vielä suomenkielinen muistutus tästä internet- ja pelitutkimuksen maisteriopintomahdollisuudesta – ohjelmaan ovat siis tervetulleita hakemaan myös suomalaiset opiskelijat (opintosuorituksia voi tehdä myös suomeksi, vaikka opintokieli onkin kursseilla yleensä englanti). Kotimaisessa maisteriopintojen erillishaussa tälle IGS-linjalle ei voi enää muuten hakea, deadline on tosiaan nyt 27.1. Kiitos jos levitätte tietoa eteenpäin mahdollisesti kiinnostuneille tahoille. Perustiedot englanniksi: The application…

  • Applications open: Masters’ Degree in Internet and Game Studies (IGS)

    Applications open: Masters’ Degree in Internet and Game Studies (IGS)

    The application period is now open (until 27 January) for doing the Master’s Degree in Internet and Game Studies in the University of Tampere – if you want to work in your studies with the team of researchers and teachers at UTAgamelab, check out the information below: Master’s Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies…

  • Theses, interactive media and game studies, spring 2015

    Theses, interactive media and game studies, spring 2015

    Congratulations to all those who have/are about to conclude their master’s degree studies and have got their master’s thesis approved this Spring – this year we have a really interesting, wide ranging selection of different learning processes and research work: Riikka Järvinen, “Täähän avaa koko mailman” – kokemuksia mobiiliteknologian käytöstä yläkoulussa (Experiences from the use of mobile technology…

  • Application period open: Master’s Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies

    The application period for Master’s Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies is open until 30 January 2015. Master’s Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies aims to provide an in-depth view to the fundamental character and development of games and Internet. Games have grown into an important form of culture and human interaction, expanding…