Tag: events

  • Spring Seminar 2024 Report 

    Spring Seminar 2024 Report 

    By Antonio Pomposini, Daphne Bachmann, Joonas Palsio, Juan Belío, & Niilo Kajala This is a post sharing experiences of student volunteers for the Game Research Lab’s Spring Seminar 2024, a conference in Tampere where researchers in the field of Game Studies can present their ongoing projects to a select audience, following a chosen topic. Meta…

  • CFP: Money and Games seminar

    CFP: Money and Games seminar

    The call for papers is now published, inviting abstract submissions for the Money and Games seminar, taking place 18-19 April 2016 in the University of Tampere. Please find more at: https://gamemoneyseminar.wordpress.com/.