Free2Play Research Project Final Report

We are pleased to publish the final report from the research project Free2Play. The report contains both published and unpublished research focusing on free-to-play and online social gambling. Featuring both qualitative and quantitative studies, Free2Play offers wide spectrum of interesting information on developer and player attitudes, consumer behavior, player experiences, playability, ethics, service design etc. related to free-to-play and online social gambling.

The report contains one- and two-page summaries from our studies with guest articles from free-to-play game developers Aki Järvinen and Tuomas Pirinen.

The report can be downloaded here:

Free2Play project website:

Free2Play was a Tekes funded project with Finnish game industry partners Grand Cru, Housemarque, Moido Games, Raha-automaattiyhdistys, Remedy Entertainment and Supercell. We would like to thank all our partners, informants, and colleagues for making this research possible.

For more information contact project manager Janne Paavilainen (, +358 400 473 650

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