Category: general
A Connoisseur’s Guide to the Etiquette and Enjoyment of Finnish Doctoral Defences
Written by Jaakko Stenros The Finnish doctoral defence is a wonderful academic show. In these public examinations two people, the candidate and the opponent, who are both leading experts on the topic at hand, discuss the matter for as long and in as much detail as is needed. The audience listens in silence as no…
Spectating Play CFP deadline approaching
The Game Research Lab organises a yearly seminar covering contemporary topics in games research. This year, the focus is on the spectatorship of games. The call for papers is still open, we are accepting extended abstracts (500-1000 words) until 23:59 on Friday the 27th of January ( Visit the seminar website for a more detailed…
Lahjoitus Tampereen yliopistolle pelitutkimukseen
Colossal Order on tehnyt Tampereen yliopistolle 15 000 euron lahjoituksen, jota ollaan suuntaamassa perusteilla olevan Pelitutkimuksen keskuksen toimintaan ja kehittämiseen:
Happy New Year 2016!
Happy New Year 2016, may it be a great year for game research around the globe! Here is a short reflection of the year 2015 by professor Frans Mäyrä: Enjoy!