Category: events

  • Spring Seminar 2024 Report 

    Spring Seminar 2024 Report 

    By Antonio Pomposini, Daphne Bachmann, Joonas Palsio, Juan Belío, & Niilo Kajala This is a post sharing experiences of student volunteers for the Game Research Lab’s Spring Seminar 2024, a conference in Tampere where researchers in the field of Game Studies can present their ongoing projects to a select audience, following a chosen topic. Meta…

  • Game Research Lab Fall 2023 Writing Retreat Report

    Game Research Lab Fall 2023 Writing Retreat Report

    There is a joke going around online pointing out that when academics use the word ‘retreat’, what they mean is an off-campus all-day meeting. On some level the Tampere University Game Research Lab Fall 2023 Writing Retreat fits that description. This two day event at the picturesque lakeside sauna at Varala brought together 21 game…

  • Registration for Spring Seminar ‘Party!’ and Finnish Day of Game Studies

    The registration for Tampere University Game Research Lab’s Spring Seminar ‘Party!’ is now open! The seminar is organized on Thursday and Friday 4–5 May and includes 20 research presentations, as well as keynotes from Mia Consalvo (Concordia University) and Olli Sotamaa (Tampere University). Read more and register at: A day before the seminar on…

  • Spring Seminar 2023: Party!

    Spring Seminar 2023: Party!

    The theme of 19th Spring Seminar of Game Studies is ”Party!” You can find the call for papers link below – the deadline for extended abstracts is 20th January 2023:

  • Celebrating Gamelab’s 20th anniversary!

    Celebrating Gamelab’s 20th anniversary!

    As Tampere University Game Research Lab turns 20 this year, we wish to celebrate the past two decades of great research, education, and collaborations through a series of anniversary events! The events can be seen on our anniversary page: Game Research Lab’s 20th Anniversary. Mark them down in in your calendar and follow the page…

  • Spring Seminar 2022: Gamebooks

    Spring Seminar 2022: Gamebooks

    The 18th Spring Seminar of Game Studies in Tampere will take place in 5-6 May, 2022. The theme of this seminar is “Gamebooks”. You can read more from the seminar website at

  • Spring Seminar 2021: Monstrosity

    Spring Seminar 2021: Monstrosity

    The submission deadline for Spring Seminar 2021 – Monstrosity  – was on January 15, and we received 60 extended abstracts – an unprecedented amount in the history of the seminar. The seminar dates are April 20-22, 2021. You can find more information about this, as well as other Gamelab Spring Seminars from the website:

  • CFP: Immersive Experiences

    CFP: Immersive Experiences

    The title of 16th Gamelab Spring Seminar was “Immersive Experiences” and it was planned to take place 30-31 March, 2020. Due to the global Coronavirus epidemic, the seminar was CANCELLED. For more, see the new website, at:

  • DiGRA 2020

    DiGRA 2020

    The DiGRA 2020 conference was announced in Kyoto, and this Digital Games Research Association’s world conference was planned to take place in Tampere, co-organised by Gamelab and the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies. The conference was unfortunately CANCELLED, due to the global Coronavirus epidemic. For more information, see the conference website:

  • Call for Papers: Urban Play

    Call for Papers: Urban Play

    The 15th annual Game Research Lab Spring Seminar focuses on Urban Play. Call for Papers Urban spaces offer a rich environment for a diversity of play practices, from location-based games to parkour and from hopscotch to chess in parks. Historically, cities have offered rich affordances for games and play, but in recent years the spread…