At the Tampere University Game Research Lab we educate future game experts. We train people to understand games; how they work, how they are designed, enacted and played, what they mean for players personally and for all of us culturally, how they bridge play and work, and how they can be used and abused.
We have a particularly wide perspective on games. We look at digital and non-digital games, hard core and casual play, recreational and goal-oriented gaming, as well as more specific areas such as gambling, gamification, and just plain old play.
Our students are part of the team and there are strong links between our research and teaching. If you want to be a specialist on games, apply to the Media Studies specialisation in Bachelor’s degree studies in Communication Sciences (in Finnish), or directly into the Master’s Degree Programme in Game Studies (in English).
Our doctoral studies are available at the Doctoral Programme in Media, Communication and Performing Arts (DPMCP). If you are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree with us, please contact a potential supervisor from our research group with an initial research plan well ahead of application deadlines.
Welcome to our degree studies!